Tuesday, March 25, 2014

It's Women's History Month - the CELEBRITY women in my life!

Stand back, indeed! Stevie Nicks! One of the very first women in rock n roll that spoke to me. Her lyrics of pain, loss, love, debauchery and survival - I got it. Honest and raw without telling the entire ugly truth. Class, fashion and fearless. Dare my wild heart...she's 65 and one of my inspirations!

Women who rock especially these sisters - Ann & Nancy Wilson -  have my deepest adulation and respect! I wanted to be the hard rockin chick. I remember the girl I looked up to in my early college daze- Tara Kay - having the Magazine or Dog n Butterfly albums that she played over and over in her apt. while we learned lines for a show, entertained her friends or just vegged out. The female LZ ...

Elizabeth Montgomery/Samantha Stevens was the epitome of womanhood for me as a young girl. Crafty, beautiful, smart, funny and she was a witch w powers but chose the mortal life for love. 

The Accidental Feminist - Liz Taylor - grace, talent and resilient.  Her beauty was a given and she knew how to use it for the biggest role of her life - the first major outspoken celebrity to advocate for those w HIV/AIDS in raising funds for care, prevention and research. 

Dynamite talent - attractive, funny and kind. I watched "The Carol Burnett Show" throughout my entire childhood. She inspired be to become an actress. She made me look at myself differently as a woman. I could be funny and attractive - it was ok to be that. 

Nancy Drew - my escape as a young girl!!! Smart, inquisitive and she always solved the mystery!!! 

There aren't too many real rockin women that are coming up but Grace Potter sure is. She writes her own music, plays a variety of instruments and is like the hottest chick in R n R.

Janis is the original. She taught us that women can be brassy, ballsy and fierce. 

Marilyn is still the sexiest woman I know that really was shortchanged when it came to her intelligence. I think she was a shooting star. My favorite movie is "Some Like it Hot" but I think she really showed her true acting abilities in "The Misfits", so raw and honest! 

I love R n R and Joan Jett. She brought this grit to women in rock while maintaining a sweetness. She was my first R n R concert!!! I've been a fan for a long time!

I identified w Pat Benatar and dressed liked her in high school and early college. She had the voice that could belt out and shatter glass! Excellent autobio "Between a Heart and a Rock Place" she dealt w lots of sexism but persevered!  

Dorothy Dandridge was a courageous and fierce woman. I was always in awe of black women. She certainly broke barriers and was an amazing talent. Porgy and Bess along w Carmen Jones are her most remembered movies. 

Katey Sagal isn't afraid to challenge herself. Actress, singer and just one hellva woman. From back up singer w Bette Midler to notoriety as Peg Bundy on "Married w Children" to the evil plotting Gemma Teller on "Sons of Anarchy" she is one bad ass bitch. 

The face of feminism just turned 81 - Gloria Steinem -  she is one of the busiest women on the planet! She made it ok to be a feminist  and that equality was for all. 

Florida Evans - who didn't love "Good Times"?! My brother and I loved that show. It also gave us white middle class kids a chance to see what black folks were dealing with  and a good dose of humor that was different. She was tender and strong. 

The Queen of Acting in my generation - Meryl Streep. Admired, talented and gracious!!! She's a chameleon in her roles and those of us that are actresses - we aren't worthy - aspire to be that solid in our craft!  

The most powerful woman in the USA - Hillary Clinton and our next President!! I heard her speak @ AIDS 2012 in DC and she is just captivating. Advocating for the LGBT and Women's Rights communities globally - she's got my vote! 

She's not afraid of anyone - including the Beef industry! LOL! She's honest, funny and down-to-earth. My young adulthood into my current life she's been there - whether I agreed w her or not, really didn't matter - she was a presence of thought. 

I have been in awe of Frida Kahlo since I became aware of her. Her paintings and drawings are haunting and bewildering. Truly she marched to her own drum ... all the pain and agony she had to endure in her life are depicted in her art. I am drawn to it. 

As a young adult, "One Day At A Time" was the pinnacle of the late 70s-early 80s women living in the US. Strong, independent and smart! I learned about drugs, sex and R n R from that show! Mackenzie, Bonnie and Valerie ruled! 

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Top 10 Spring Cleaning Feng Shui Tips by Jennifer Bonneto

They say that spring is a time for renewal, for new beginnings and for change.

The best way to usher new change is to ensure that the energy in your home is pristine. Human behavior is affected by energy. The places we spend the most amount of time in i.e. our home and work, should be given extra attention.
Whatever energy is prevalent there and resonates there will affect our behavior because we are sentient beings.
If you’re living in a home and the energy is unsupportive, you may feel that everything you do is a challenge or that you’re pushing a boulder uphill. On the converse, a home that is supportive, may make you feel inspired, motivated, things flowing in easier, etc. You see Einstein had this figured out so long ago with E=MC 2. He knew that energy was equal to matter, which means that everything is energy. We want to make sure that where we reside, matches the energy of the goals that we wish to attain so that we’re able to more easily live the life we born to lead.
Follow these simple tips and see what kind of change ushers in.
10. To add spice to your love life and streamline your bedroom, make sure to keep all family pictures and spiritual deities out of the bedroom. The bedroom should be a sojourn for rest and intimacy and that’s it.
9. Make sure your home is well landscaped. To ensure that your home is being supported from the outside, make sure you have thick landscaping, retaining wall or wood fencing all the way around your property. This will ensure that the energy stays on your property and will help you achieve your goals with money, relationships and health easier.
8. Cleaning your home actually improves the chi/energy of your home. It helps to raise the vibration, allowing easier achievements of goals.
7. Keep the front door area or the “ming tang” clear of all belongings and leave a six feet clearance on the outside and the inside to ensure that the energy can flow right in and benefit all of the occupants.
6. Donate unused items to charities like Goodwill or Salvation Army. Your home should be a reflection of who you are and what you want and not a stomping ground for clutter and miscellaneous items. Not only will you be improving the energy in your home, you’ll be donating to a good cause. Now that’s what I call a winner, winner chicken dinner!
5. Start utilizing your power direction aka your money direction when spending long periods of time sitting down, working, watching TV, while negotiating, and in meetings. Sleeping with your head to your power direction and using doors that face your power direction will also be beneficial. This will give you the motivation necessary to clean up your home, the energy and your life! Use the charts located here to find your power direction (money +90 direction).
4. If you’re stuck, feeling cluttered, and don’t know where to begin, start by emptying out one drawer. It only takes one step forward to fuel the energy and give you momentum to continue streamlining your home of excess items.
3. Make sure your home is bright, airy, and well ventilated. To really help raise the energy level in your home, open windows and let the sunlight in.
2. If you have a water feature in your home, make sure it is clean. If it’s not clean, make sure to clean it because it can have an adverse affect. For added benefit, consider hiring a Feng Shui expert to make sure it’s well placed for money, relationships and health. A well placed and clean water feature such as a fountain, pool, pond, etc. can benefit occupants
1. Be grateful. Gratitude is the fastest way to achieving all of your goals. We’ve all been challenged but it’s important to note that you can find good in any situation. Use that outlook to help move forward.


Saturday, March 8, 2014

It's Women's History Month - the women in my life! Part 2

Laura Coccimiglio is an extremely talented woman that manages 3 very high powered kids and Philly-born brainiac husband. We were in "Vagina Monologues" together and the powerful 1950's classic Arthur Miller's "All My Sons" . She's someone that can talk a variety of subjects - science to sex! Smarty, sassy and sexy! 

Mz. K and I met in 1996 in NOCAL and was one of my very first friends there. Here we are in 2008 in Boston (ignore the date stamp) at the Boston train station. She taught me how to live in the 'hood in Oakland/Richmond and the importance of being "off the hook" and what it means to "see ya in a minute".  She's funny, giving and just a tad crazy, fo'realz. 

Hanai is a Japanese term that means "adoptive or in the care of" and my hanai sister on Kauai is Roxanne "Rocky" Pascua. She and her ohana have been very sweet to me. Talk about a lot of woman - she is!!! Such a role model for young women here on Kauai as indicated by her successful and talented daughters. Mother, Designer, Hula dancer, Entertainer, Nail Technician, Mentor and Foster Mother - this woman has earned her wings in heaven! From my 45th bday part in 2009 (ignore the date stamp) - she inspires me to do more and be better! Mahalo Rocky! 

One of the most charming people in my life! One of the best pieces of theatre I've ever done was with Jennifer - "Parallel Lives" in 2009. We played like 12 different characters each and rocked that show! She is patient, very kind and super talented as an actress/director and teacher. Big love, Jen!

One of the most honest "in your face" women I know. Sarcastic, determined and a damn fine friend - Here we are directing the Paradise Ride in 2011. Alison cuts through the BS and then some.
A woman after my own heart.

Maire is the High Priestess in my life. She walks her talk...and that's no BS. She and her hubby - Davyd - have a 20 acre farm on the Big Island of Hawaii . They live off the grid, creating their own energy, planting various fruits and veggies - raising their own chickens, donkeys, dogs, kitties and ducks. The God and Goddess personified. Very remarkable folk that are hospitable, wickedly smart and talented. I admire their honesty in their truth. Much respect! Malama Pono!

Crystal was my neighbor for several years which led to our friendship. She has spunk and is one of the most hopeful people I know. We have long conversations that result in us usually giggling. Dependable, charismatic and luscious!!! <3

Shelley Chenot and I have been friends a long time. We met through Holly in 1991 as they both worked together but developed our own friendship throughout the years. A rancher in OK, talented business woman, lover of animals and the outdoors -  empathetic, loyal and beautiful - she's one of those friends I can just pick up where we left off. 2009 on her ranch. Love ya, Shell!

Laurie Landes - despite all that life has thrown at her she has such grace and resilience that humbles me. She's seen some of the coolest rock n roll bands from back in the day!!! She's seen Led Zeppelin, The Doors and more!!! Way cool!

Shelley Roberts Jenkins and I were roommates back in the ol days of college in San Angelo, TX. She was someone that stood by me when many people didn't. She leads an exciting life these days by living in Abu Dhabi!  We laughed, partied, did theatre together and sang Fleetwood Mac into the wee hours of the morning - records, on a turntable! It's been a long time since we've seen each other. One of the great things about Facebook is reconnecting with people. Big love, Shelley!

Sunday, March 2, 2014

It's Women's History Month ~ the women in my life! Part 1

It's Women's History Month - so I will highlight throughout the month women that have influenced my life. Let's start with this woman - my Mother - Janine Harding! She's outspoken, funny and independent and at 81 she is traveling the world and enjoying the blessed life she has! 

Rock on, Mom! <3

Teachers' influence stays with you for life and Deborah Canterbury believed in me and my talents when I was a young, budding thespian. She treated me like an adult in high school. She showed us that even in the panhandle of TX there is art and she fought for us. Under her leadership in our HS Drama Dept.,  we managed to do many cool theatre events - assemblies, plays, festivals and competitions. She continues to inspire me to this day!!!  

My Aunt Dott was a woman that knew how to celebrate! She could knit, crochet, bake awesome bday cakes, play cool games, laugh and give you a piece of her mind while she was doing it all. Her fav holiday was Christmas - she was my fav Auntie. I miss her terribly. 

She's my sister from another mister, Virginia. She took me under her wing and gave me guidance. Even when times were really rough for me, she knew what to say to keep me going. She supported me in many ways - she taught me about endurance, pragmatism, class and to believe in something more. 

This lady - Linda McCall - is someone that is one of my closest friends today. She's a confidante and a great conversationalist.  She's dynamic and gracious. A true friend that I can count on.

I know we were connected in another life - she's my soul sister. We bonded 20 yrs. ago - my life has been better knowing her. Beauty, tenacity and strength that's Holly. 

My birthday sister (both Nov. 3rd) and yoga kumu(teacher) that has been a source of peace and inspiration in my life since arriving on Kauai.  Patricia, you are the light that guides me. Namaste! 

Even though we've parted ways, I would be remiss if I didn't mention Linda Easton. 20 + yrs. we've known each other. Resourcefulness, diplomacy and craziness - that's what she brought to me in this life. We had a good run. I'll always love her. 

You know it's a good day when an ex-Black Panther sidles up to ya and says "I've never had a cracker gf before." We had lots of laughs and we both loved the tambourine. For years, in Berkeley, CA - we played w the drummers on Sproul Plaza. Fierce and funny - she still is! Love you Joyce Taylor!

These ladies (and men, too) but mostly ladies - are the Gold Dust Dreamers (not all pictured here) we've been on the internet oozing out our love for La Nicks since 1998!!! We're bad, we're nationwide! We've met up, stayed at each others homes, seen each other through good times and hard times but what brings us together - is the music of Stevie Nicks. <3 

I don't have many college friends that I stay in touch with but Shawnie is true blue and really a smart, no bullshit kinda girl. A black belt in karate and just an all out kick ass chick. Another 20+ yr. friendship that continues to grow as we age!!! She's more like family, really. Big love to ya, gf! 

I think Beverly is an angel. She's the sweetest person I've ever known. She's saved me more than once in my life. I am eternally grateful. Luckily, she has come to visit me more times than anyone since I've moved to Kauai. It's good to be able to give back to her - I'm blessed! 

LOL, Lynn Johnston, Caren Von Bose and Shelley Chenot - although none of them knew each other they gathered in Dallas to see me back in 2001. Lynn & I went to HS, Caren &  I went to UNT and Shelley & I knew each other via Holly and formed our own friendship. This was one crazy night - I mean C.R.A.Z.Y!!! I love these women - they know how to cut loose!!! We are all still friends to this day! 20-30 yrs. of friendship here! 

Twisted and fun - also one of the most reliable and sweet people I know and she's not a bad actress either! Mad love for you Shauna "Spike" Griffin! 

One of the wisest women in the my life. Strong, vivacious and a hellva an artist! She's a beautiful hula dancer too! We can just cut thru the BS and just speak our minds, that's Schar! 

My long time office mate and co-worker that has more class and fashion sense than anyone I know!!! She taught me tons about courage, being yourself and lots of humor. Bianka you are an original my dear! 

Nothing like your HS besties! The intellectually stimulating and enchanting Karen and the fun loving talented Josie - saw them in 2012 for our 30th HS reunion. 30+ yrs. of friendship here!!!

Always a smile on her face and hospitable, Laurel Whyte,  she's the essence of grace and empathy. She lights up the room you're in! 

Although we lead very different lives, she's my sister and she raised 3 gorgeous, smart and madly skilled kids.  Jet setter, active in her community and part of my gene pool!! Love ya, Claudine! 

My very first friend and long time mentor here on Kauai, Linda Pascatore. Activist, Speech Therapist, Homesteader and Writer - she embodies Mother Gaia for me. A touchstone when I need some grounding! Big love to you, Linda P.! 

We met in 2009 during Michele Rundgren's show that we were in -  "What Was I Thinking: Bad Boyfriend's Stories"  and voila, we instantly clicked!!! Photographer, Activist and all round "chillax" individual - I've spent many a staycation at her home on the lovely No. Shore. Big love to you, Sara Wall!