Monday, July 23, 2012

AIDS 21012

I am at AIDS 2012!

July 26th~

Amped tonight - it's hot as MFn hell outside...I walked to Georgetown this evening, did some window shopping...had dinner...I was trades, no beach...LOL...heat lightening going off in the sky here off my balcony can see DC, Potomac...closing plenary tomorrow...then on to see Stevie and Rod. Meeting up w Sandy MacKenzie and other DC Chiffonheads....Skyped w Karen Wason and DJ Man life is an adventure!!! ♥

I am just in awe of the brave people that are here - at this morning's plenary - Debbie, a very brave transgender woman brought me to tears...then this afternoon the films I watched - did you know that even though the ban on HIV+ has been lifted for travel into the US - Sex Workers and People Who Use Drugs if they answer yes to these questions are DENIED Visas to enter - and who else better to be at this conference - so much protesting about that...and the films I watched today are about just that subject. My new shero is Gabriela Leite - of Brazil and be on the look out for a great docu call a "Kiss for Gabriela" what a woman!!! I was also moved to tears...I have never been a sex worker...but have been around sex workers for much of my adult life...and while I've never injected drugs again I've been around it...the compassion and dignity for all people is what will END's a humanitarian effort. Then I spoke at length to a young medical student - and this must change - that young med students cannot make a living and payback their student loans by becoming an Infectious Disease Specialist in this country - we need education reform to encourage our young doctors. It's over 100 today in DC - doing laundry, packing...will hit Georgetown later. Tomorrow is the closing plenary and STEVIE NICKS & ROD STEWART tomorrow night!!! 

July 25th~

Beautiful day here in DC...I tried to see the AIDS quilt this morning but it was packed up already!!! :( Took some fast pics of the Capitol Bldg and the Washington monument. Sat in a session for HIV & Criminal Justice...whoa....pretty eye opening the fear and stigma in the Judiciary!!! Watched Tony Aaron from NNAAPCI do his thang and had lunch with Pernell V. Williams - great talk story...back to the room early to just take a load off...missing home and Ron Middag...

July 24th~

Truly one of the most influential days of my voice is hoarse, my feet are killin me, it's hot nasty gross here in DC, so much pollution - Marched/moblized with the Positive Women's Network - and thousands took to the streets up to the White House today...perhaps it was on CNN, MSNBC or some such...

I love the HIPS Peeps went to their after conference bash!!! Met up with Pernell V. Williams and had a great dinner...just gettin back to my room...tired but inspired!!! Au`rai!!!

July 23rd~

I am so literally consumed with awe and amazement...this is truly the Intl. Community...I've seen/heard Hillary speak today, I was in the main plenary room surrounded by panels from the AIDS quilts...while she spoke. I video'd as much as my hands would let me...I hope it uploads to YouTube...if that wasn't enough...again in the same room, Elton John spoke so poignantly and eloquently...then to just get over the ENORMITY of this all facets - the convention center is insane...!!! I also have to say, after a workshop on social media & HIV Condom Sense program is really innovative and a head of the 8 ball, indeed. Saw a great docu on Black Women and Living w HIV...and talked story with the Sex Workers here...sweet people...I have a bruise on my okole from last night, LOL, as a result of my slip/fall out the shuttle...I take a deep breath and just smile...the world can be a very compassionate place...glad I am of that world. ~♥~

July 22nd~

I am overwhelmed!!! I sat in the shuttle with people from Africa that were curious and fun - asking where are the poor people? Indeed. Then ran into Cathy Elliott a colleague, watched part of the opening plenary...I am pursuing my lil take on the conference by videoing people saying "Spread Aloha and Not HIV..." look for that ...had nice dinner and then slipped coming out of the shuttle and gave myself a nice scrape on da arm...well if that's the worst thing...LOL...ok now gotta try and adjust to this 6 hr. time difference. I hear Hillary is speaking at tomorrow morning's plenary...ALOHA! *:)

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